An Abandoned Mansion For Sale – The Abandoned Buildings Near Warsaw

An Abandoned Mansion In A Forest - A Picturesque Landscape For Shooting

Urbex near me is always a good idea to spend the Saturday afternoon. Searching for the interesting objects, we found two eclectic mansions, or even we call them palaces. They looked phenomenal inside, but we were curious what we could see inside. We walked around the area, and we realized that inside we’ll meet alarm sirens. We found that the only way to visit these spectacular buildings is to ask the owner for permission. It is still urbex? Well, one rabbi will say yes, and another rabbi will say no. Nevertheless, it was worth having this permitted urbex visit. Amazing architecture, astonishing details surrounded by greenery made our photos so special.

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Amazing Architecture Of Two Mansions - Mix Of Styles And Amazing Impression

Somebody called the mansion’s style “picturesque eclecticism”, and I couldn’t have put it better myself. They were designed by an architect from Łódź, Dawid Lande. As we know that the buildings from Łódź are astonishing, for example Scheiblers’ Power Plant or  Allart’s Mansion, we were sure that the architect from this city created something brilliant. We were definitely right. The two villas facing each other made an electrifying impression on us. They seem to be identical, but the more you look at, the more differences you see. Both stylistically related buildings differ in the layout of the body and decoration. Ok, but how did these villas come into being? Let’s start from the beginning.

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Two Villas Built For The Known Family - The History Of Abandoned Mansions

So we revealed the name of the architect, but it’s time to say more about the owners. The mansions were created for the Meyes family. Rings like a bell? Sure! That’s the same Meyers who are responsible for a lot of movies. Probably you know the intro of the movies with the roaring lion. That’s the Meyer Family Hallmarks. So their relative – Jerzy was a financier in Warsaw, at the beginning of 20th century. The other owner of the property was his shareholder – Wilhelm Wellisch. The villas were owned by the Family of Meyers and Wellisch by WWII. During the war everything was taken by the German army, and later the Red Army took over it.

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What Happened With Villas After WWII? - Polish Mansion During The Communist Era

In the 1950s, the property was officially confiscated and transferred to the training center of the Polish Youth Union. The former outbuildings were taken as quarters for apartments. In the 1960s, the buildings housed a specialist hospital for lung diseases. The pre-burial building in the park dates from this period. From 1976, the villas housed the Department of Lung Diseases of the Local Health Care Team. From the beginning, the hospital had a bad reputation. The hospital was overcrowded, and additionally had the hospice function. That’s why this place was not liked by the neighbors. Finally, the hospital was closed, and the building was left empty.

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Is The Abandoned Mansion For Sale? - The Plans For The Old Villas

Both villas are currently owned by the city. There are plenty of ideas about what could be done here. It may be a tourist center, hotel, conference location, or just a nice place for living. If you are wondering how the abandoned villas look inside, feel free to check our photos below.

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