After a few minutes of observation, the main door of the palace opened and three women came out. One of them was Bogusia, the daughter of the facility’s administrator. After a short conversation, she led us to her father, who was about to make up his mind whether he would let us in. An elderly man living in the palace orangery came out to us and began to tell his story and how he has been associated with the palace for many years; first as a teacher, then as director, and today as its administrator. When the palace was bought by one of the richest women in the world, Barbara Piasecka Johnson, restoration work began in the palace. As the administrator of the facility, he was responsible for securing the facility against further devastation. However, when the owner died in 2013, numerous lawsuits began to establish the rightful heir of the palace. The trials continue to this day, and the palace has no owner to look after it and thoroughly rebuild it. When we got to know the history of the palace, we asked him if he would let us in. He agreed and gave us his soy daughter as a guide.