Rusty Device in A Boiler Room – An Abandoned Building Near Warsaw

Urban Exploration Trip to Abandoned Boiler Room

It was a perfect day for urban exploration. Sunny Saturday morning, we decided to visit an abandoned building near Warsaw. Ok, but what is worth to see? Let’s check our abandoned places map. The military boiler room seemed to be a pretty nice destination. We were there a few years ago, but when we got to the overgrown and rusted gate we met a security guard with a barking york. So we decided that we would wait until they removed the security from this military museum in the middle of the forest. We waited a year, two or three. Finally, our dream came true.

abandoned boiler room near warsaw

Abandoned Military Building Near Warsaw

The boiler room in Zielonka is an  interesting building. Although the regular houses were connected with the boiler room, its main task was to provide heat to the nearby Military Institute of Armament Technology.

There were many reasons for closing the boiler room. The main fact is that the Military Institute of Armament Technology, which used this boiler room, will complete the construction of a new gas boiler room. The second reason is environmental issues. The number of recipients of heat from the boiler room decreased from year to year, and the Zielonka’s inhabitants more and more often complained about black clouds of smoke emanating from the chimneys.

abandoned chimneys near Warsaw

Device in The Abandoned Building

This amazing abandoned building is full of devices. Actually, it was full of the device two years ago. We have no idea about the current state. We were impressed with what we saw. Outside we found two large chimneys with ladders. We were very tempted to climb, but we didn’t do it. We went inside to see more treasures. The control room, conveyor belts, boilers, even rails! I wish I could say they were untouched. Unfortunately, they were rusty and decayed. Anyway, they were beautiful in their own way. A creme de la creme of our trip was a boiler room roof. From this roof, we admired the forest surrounding the building. The views were amazing.

abandoned chimneys near Warsaw

Abandoned Boiler Room Photography

This was an amazing urban exploration. We took a lot of brilliant photos there. We hope you’ll enjoy them.

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urbex in an abandoned boiler room
urbex in abandoned boiler room
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an abandoned boiler room
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urbex in an abandoned building
urbex in an abandoned building
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
chmneys in an abandoned building
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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industrial urban exploration
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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chmneys in an abandoned building
abandoned boiler room
rusty device in an abandoned place
chmneys in an abandoned building
abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
industrial urban exploration
abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
rusty device in an abandoned place
abandoned boiler room
rusty device in an abandoned place
abandoned boiler room
rusty device in an abandoned place
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abandoned boiler room
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abandoned boiler room
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industrial urban exploration
chmneys in an abandoned building
abandoned boiler room
industrial urban exploration
pipes found during urban exploration
rusty device in an abandoned place
abandoned boiler room

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