Abandoned Part Of Agriculture University – An Old Farm in The Heart Of Poland

Rurex Instead Of Urbex - Abandoned Farm Exploration

Another weekend, another trip. That day, after checking our list “abandoned buildings near me” we decided to go out of the city. We choose a nice rural scenery for our photos. That was a nice change from our previous trips. We’ve seen a lot of industrial objects like Kelenföld or chateaus like Adria. We were such impressed when we were inside the cooling tower in an abandoned power plant EC-2.  All of those objects were amazing, and we can return them again and again. But once upon a time, we wanted to see something smaller, located in a quiet neighbourhood. That is how we choose abandoned farm located near Warsaw.

abandoned Agriculture University

Rusty Device Found On Rurex - What Did We Find On The Abandoned Farm

The exploration of the object was quite easy, and we got there by the opened window. The interior was a typical cowshed. First, we noticed two long rows of cow feeding stations. The stuff was rusty and damaged. Even though the place had its charm. Actually, that’s what we are searching for on our explorations – the art of decay. In the next room, we found something like a diarymaid. We do not have enough knowledge to say exactly what it was, but we are sure that its application is related to milk. In the last room we found a lot of Petri dishes. It was definitely the laboratory room. It makes sense because the object was intended for research and development.


A Part Of Polish University - The Abandoned Farm History

The abandoned building looks pretty nice, but what is its story?  As we mentioned before it was a part of the agricultural university. Two years after WWII, one of the departments was opened in a small town near Warsaw. The local palace was the seat of the department. This palace is abandoned nowadays as well, but it’s impossible to explore, so let’s focus on a farm. Next to the palace, the university authorities ordered to build experimental slaughterhouse with laboratory facilities for evaluation. The department was dynamically developing, and they opened other facilities in numerous cottages located near Warsaw. They launched an experimental poultry farm, a hatching station, and a modern pig shed. The department was huge, but the most important for them was a laboratory of milk analysis. Yes, you’re right. It was the building that we explored. Why is it abandoned now? In the ’90s the university authorities decided to transfer the whole department to Warsaw. Probably they didn’t want to commute to work. 

wooden door rust

Rurex Photography - The Abandoned Farm Photos

We are used to photographing huge factories and palaces, but this small, rural object was fun to photograph too. We took a lot of urbex photos (I mean rurex photos) and we hope you’ll enjoy them. I guess we will have more trips out of the city. We would like to see more places like the abandoned farm or old watermill. Now we are planning the next trip and in the meantime, you can view our photos.

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