This distillery was first one that we visited. We tried to compare it to the alcohol factory in Warsaw, but it was so hard. The building in Warsaw was a big industrial factory. There, we visited the small distillery in the cottage. There was a lot of differences between those objects. Through the entrance hall, which also houses the stairs leading to the distiller’s apartment, one enters the laboratory on the left, and the apparatus room on the right, in which the following machines and apparatuses are located. On the left, against the wall, a steam engine, on the other side of the entrance door, a sweet mash pump, on the right a distillation apparatus with a measuring clock, between the windows a steam pump for saturating the working column with bad mash. And that was the main goal of our trip to each distillery – the steam engine. What an old steam engine looks like today? You can find the answer on our photos below.