The Abandoned Building With The Steam Engine – The Old Distillery In Poland

The Old Alcohol Factory - What Can You Visit During Urbex Trip In Poland?

Visiting Poland for urbex purposes can be a good way to spend your free time. We have a lot of interesting abandoned places here. When I say “Poland” you probably mead big Polish cities like Warsaw or Cracow. And you’re totally right, because you can find here the most spectacular objects. Polish urbex is the most known from the Warsaw Gasworks, Cotton Mill Factory or Train Graveyard in Kraków. Actually, we have shown you a lot of industrial buildings. But how about the smaller Polish towns? Can we find the abandoned buildings there? The answer is: definitely yes! We can take you even to the cottages with great stories. We taught you about great entrepreneurs who built great factories. Now, it’s time to learn about Polish magnates who owned their estates in the countryside.

abandoned bunker

Abandoned Distillery - The Part Of The Historic Manor Estate

We traveled to this cottage, because we wanted to visit the manor. Of course because we thought that the manor was abandoned. On the first minutes, we noticed, that the building is not abandoned at all. There were two cars, and we met the people who are living there. But behind the gate nearby, we saw the brick building with a big chimney. That was an abandoned distillery which was a part of the estate, which prospered when the Leszczyński family managed it. The entire manor was then in its prime. From the windows of the manor house, one could hear the sound of the piano. Beautiful cactuses and exotic flowers grew on the terrace. The owner – Marcin Jan Leszczyński was a great farmer. He had hundreds of cows, horse farm, 800 hectares of farmland and his own distillery.


The Old Estate In The Cottage - Why This Place Is Abandoned Today?

After Jan Leszczyński’s death in 1938, the property was taken over by Maria Leszczyńska and her husband Bronisław Kobyliński. Everything could have gone well, unfortunately the war broke out.  In 1939 The Gremans stole the whole property and the owners had to move out to the nearby smaller farm. They were real heroes, and they risked their lives giving a shelter for the Polish freedom fighters. The Leszczyński family survived, but they lost almost everything. Germans let them only to keep two ponies and two cows. Maria also had much silverware, Persian rugs and valuable paintings. She found a “trusted” boy who promised to protect all her wealth. Unfortunately, he skipped with all her goods and Maria lost everything. The things got even worse, when the Russians took over the cottage. The Leszczyński’s family had to run away to the north. Nowadays, we can visit the manor which is owned by the municipality, and we can admire the abandoned distillery full of equipment.

abandoned prison

The Old Distillery - What Can We Find In The Small Alcohol Factory?

This distillery was first one that we visited. We tried to compare it to the alcohol factory in Warsaw, but it was so hard. The building in Warsaw was a big industrial factory. There, we visited the small distillery in the cottage. There was a lot of differences between those objects. Through the entrance hall, which also houses the stairs leading to the distiller’s apartment, one enters the laboratory on the left, and the apparatus room on the right, in which the following machines and apparatuses are located. On the left, against the wall, a steam engine, on the other side of the entrance door, a sweet mash pump, on the right a distillation apparatus with a measuring clock, between the windows a steam pump for saturating the working column with bad mash. And that was the main goal of our trip to each distillery – the steam engine. What an old steam engine looks like today? You can find the answer on our photos below.

heaven hill distillery

Urbex On A Cottage Called Rurex - A Great Alternative For The Urbex Photography

As you can see on our blog, we prefer mainly  the urba exploration. We like to photograph objects located in the big cities (especially industrial objects). But we are able to appreciate smaller abandoned buildings located in the rural scenery. You saw our photos from the water mill or the old granary in Modlin. That were very pleasant objects to photograph. That’s why we sometimes like to travel out of the city – because we can find a lot of interesting urbex gems. So if you are going to visit Poland in urbex purposes, we strongly recommend you to visit Polish cottages. You can find there a lot of astonishing abandoned buildings with a great history. You still don’t believe us? So check the photos below and maybe you’ll change your mind. 

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